St. Augustine Shores United Methodist Church
724 Shores Boulevard
St. Augustine, FL 32086
St. Augustine Shores United Methodist Church
724 Shores Boulevard
St. Augustine, FL 32086
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“Where there is no vision, the people perish . . .” Proverbs 29: 18a. The Bible’s direction is clear: we need to have a dream, a vision, a picture, a direction from God or we perish in the chaos! Our Vision—New life with God; deepening our Christian discipleship.
We also need a goal; something to aim at; a focus for our God-given gifts and energy. In short, a mission that calls to us. Our mission–sharing God’s joy by serving the community, each other and God.
We hope you’ll consider making Shores UMC your church home. CLICK HERE to download our Welcome brochure ([PDF]